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Four Free Ways To Support Small Businesses

Small businesses truly are the backbone of our community. Their familiar storefronts bring a sense of comfort and belonging. Without them we wouldn’t have the unique hangout spots, delicious food, and incredible stores that make Tallahassee the vibrant town that it is today. Supporting small businesses is a great way to serve our community and can be easier than you think. For National Small Business Week, we will be providing four free ways that you can support local stores.

Follow Them on Social Media:

It is no surprise that social media is a common form of marketing for businesses all around the world. It is a powerful tool that can help small businesses spread news about their company and show off their products to potential customers. However, that is not the only benefit. Through social media, local companies can share their story and build a relationship with their customer base. Join in this community by following your favorite small businesses on social media!

Leave Reviews:

In this digital age, everyone can share their opinions with the world. As a result, people often decide where to shop based on online reviews. According to Big Commerce, 91% of people read online reviews and 84% of people trust online reviews as much as they would a personal recommendation. Therefore, taking the time to write a review for a small business you love can make a big impact. If there is a small business that you enjoy, you should share it with the world. Someone may decide to learn more about that company because of your positive words!

Tell your Friends and Family:

Just like online reviews, personal recommendations are a great way to help local establishments grow. According to a Nielsen report 92% of consumers trust word of mouth recommendations because it is coming from a trustworthy source. As a result, that consumer may then be willing to pass on the recommendation to someone else. So next time you see a friend or family member recommend a local business, chances are that they will most likely take your recommendation.

Promote Them on Social Media:

As we mentioned above, social media can be incredibly effective in exposing local businesses to new markets and audiences. You can help contribute to the growth of a local shop’s audience by interacting with their social media posts and promoting their business on your social media platforms. Interact with their posts through likes, comments, shares, and saves. The more you engage with a post, the higher chance that more people will see it. You can also promote businesses you enjoy through posting pictures of you at their store next time you shop there. However, always remember tag their social media accounts and use their hashtags in your post to help grow their brand.

Thank you for joining us as we celebrate National Small Business Week! To learn more about our local law firm and our team of Tallahassee attorneys Click Here. To check out more of our blog posts Click Here!