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Should Our Kids Go To Summer Camp Now?

The days are getting longer. The weather is getting warmer. For Florida kids and their parents, that means only one thing. It is almost time for summer camp. Or is it? Even as the government lifts some COVID-19 restrictions, parents across the state are probably wondering if summer camps will be open this year. Further, even if camps are open, many parents may be nervous about letting their children go.

We find ourselves asking the question: should our kids go to summer camp now? While, ultimately, that is a personal choice, let us share information that may help you decide.

First, understand what options you have available. This includes understanding conditional openings, virtual programming, and more options available in our state. Also, know you are not alone in your concerns. Judging by recent news reports, Florida summer camp administrators are wrestling with the same questions as parents. The key issues for camp operators are whether or not to open, and how to accommodate campers safely. In a nutshell:

  • Some camps are still in a holding pattern, pending additional information and guidance

  • Some are opening with limited enrollment and plans to implement health and safety guidelines

  • Some are only offering virtual programming

  • Some are not opening at all in an abundance of caution

This means your decision to send your children to summer camp may be limited by several factors which may include:

  • Where you live

  • Whether the camp is operated privately or by a municipality

  • Whether the camp is affiliated with a school or church

  • Programming

  • Enrollment

Further, in all likelihood sleep-away camps will not be an option as long as social distancing protocols and similar measures remain in effect. Day camps are a better bet, as long as operators and parents take certain precautions, one expert says. These include screening children before they start camp and monitoring them as long as they are enrolled. This is especially important for children with underlying health conditions, since they tend to be more susceptible to COVID-19.

Perhaps the biggest question we are all asking is: Is it safe? Before you send your children to camp, you may want to verify that:

  • The camp is regulated

  • That it follows general health and safety protocols

  • That it has specific policies addressing contagions

  • That it has a camp nurse or other medical staff 

Be sure to take your own family dynamics into account as well. If you have any reason to believe that your child may be exposed to or is at risk for COVID-19, it is better to be safe than sorry. Also, know that we are here to help you in any way we can. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your concerns and schedule a free case evaluation.