Tips for Helping Your College Student Deal With Stress During Finals Week

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It is hard to believe but the end of the semester is in sight and finals week is fast approaching. As exciting as the promise of summer may be, final exams and papers present one of the biggest challenges of the semester.

During this time, students are under overwhelming pressure and, unfortunately, may turn to unhealthy methods to calm their nerves and manage their stress. As a parent, it is important that you act as a support system for your child before and during finals week to help him or her handle stress in a healthy and productive way.

This is why we want to share with you a few tips to help your college student deal with the stress of finals week.

1. Communicate with your college student.

Communication with your child during this stressful time is crucial!  Whether this takes the form of talking on the phone more frequently, sending a care package, or sending a quick text message once or twice a day, expressing that you are always available to support your child can be highly beneficial for his or her mental health. Be careful, however, do not be too overbearing! If your child does not answer your phone calls every time or asks you for some space while he or she is studying, it is important to respect his or her wishes.

2. Remind your college student about campus resources.

Often, a stigma exists around seeking help as a college student. Your child may think it is embarrassing that he or she feels the need to talk to a licensed therapist or find other ways to deal with anxiety. Campus resources, however, are in abundance and letting your child know what type of stress relievers are freely available can help him or her manage stress. While  counselors and tutors are widely available, some college campuses also offer some fun ways to relieve stress, such as bringing dogs to the college green during finals week or offering free yoga sessions and chair massages.

3. Encourage stress relief strategies for your college student.

When stress increases, your child’s mental and physical health can deteriorate. Suggest some stress relief strategies that your child can use to manage their stress. Simple strategies like planning ahead for meals and visiting the testing center or classroom ahead of time can help put your child’s nerves at ease. Also, encourage him or her to celebrate the small victories such as turning in one paper or finishing an exam.

We know how stressful the end of the semester can be and it is important to us that your college student has the resources available to handle his or her stress effectively. If you have questions about any part of this article or if an emergency situation arises, do not wait to contact one of our experienced attorneys right away. We are on call for you 24-hours a day, seven days a week.