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Tips for You During National School Bus Safety Week

Have you heard that National School Bus Safety Week takes place in the third week of October? This year, it will run from October 19-23, 2020. For many years, National School Bus Safety Week, promoted by the National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT), has provided an opportunity for students who ride buses, parents of students, teachers, school bus operators, school administrators, and other drivers on the road to learn more about keeping students and drivers safe.

Many parents are concerned about student safety on school buses. The best way to help your child stay safe when riding the bus can be to discuss safety measures like proper seat belt wearing, not walking or running in the bus aisles while the bus is moving, and refraining from putting faces or limbs outside the bus window.

Something many parents can forget is that a huge part of school bus safety is paying attention to the driving of other parents and motorists on the road. Stopping properly when a school bus has the Stop sign out to allow children to cross the street and staying patient if you are behind a slow-moving bus, are good ways to do your part.

In light of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, many parents and school administrators are concerned about keeping students healthy on the bus. School districts should consider the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting on buses, how long extra cleaning protocols will remain in place, and how to provide bus drivers and crossing guards with personal protective equipment and hand sanitizer.

The National Association of School Nurses and the CDC both recommend that school bus drivers, students, teachers, and parents follow health and safety guidelines to stay safe during the pandemic. These include wearing a mask or face covering; washing hands often for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer; avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth; covering a cough or sneeze with a tissue even while wearing a mask; and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces frequently.

School administrators may also wish to consider social distancing on school buses and what seating patterns work best for its implementation. Seating students together with children from their own family or neighborhood may minimize the number of contacts they have daily.

For more guidance on safety issues and related legal issues during the Covid-19 pandemic, please reach out to our office. We are your local, experienced, law firm! Do not hesitate to call, chat or click here to contact us today!