Year: 2019

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How Much Do You Know About Your Nursing Home Rights?
When you have a loved one in a long-term care facility such as a nursing home or an assisted living facility, there is too much at stake not to ensure he or she has the best care possible.  We know that your elderly or disabled loved ones need the best care and representation possible. Our […]
Age-Appropriate Toys Will Help Ensure Child Safety This Holiday Season
Ask any child what they like most about the holidays and chances are they will say, “toys!” While new toys are indeed exciting, parents and grandparents should also make sure they are safe. One of the best ways to ensure toy-related safety is to buy age-appropriate gifts. Age-appropriate means a particular toy is suitable for […]
Heads Up, Phones Down! Cell Phone Distractions Put Children in Danger
Cell phones are known to cause distracted-driving motor vehicle accidents, often with tragic results. Did you know, however, that distracted walking is also a serious safety concern? Perhaps nowhere is distracted walking more of an issue than in school zones. Accordingly, the “Heads Up, Phones Down” movement is calling attention to school safety as part […]
How to Purchase Gifts that Protect Your Child’s Hearing
Loud sounds are not just a nuisance, they can be dangerous. Excessive noise can damage the inner ear and cause hearing loss, and children can be especially vulnerable. With the advent of child-friendly technology and the availability of noisy toys, hearing safety should be of particular concern during the holiday season when parents and grandparents […]
Help Us Celebrate Human Rights Day
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. That may sound obvious, but it is an ideal of monumental importance that has historically eluded humanity, and too often proves out of reach today. It is also the philosophy of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted on […]
How to Prioritize Eye-Safety When Buying Gifts for Children
Few things are as gratifying as buying toys for children during the holiday season. The joy and excitement of watching them open presents, however, can quickly turn to despair if a toy-related injury occurs. Unfortunately, it happens more often than you might realize.  According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, roughly a quarter-million children […]
5 Kitchen Safety Tips to Keep in Mind this Thanksgiving
The holiday season is one of the best times of year to come together with your family, friends, and loved ones. How will you be celebrating? What traditions do you take part in year after year? What memories will you create this year? As we look at celebrating Thanksgiving this week, what are you looking […]
When It Comes to Alcohol, You May Not Have Thought of These Issues
Alcohol is indeed legal, but alcohol abuse is associated with a significant number of crimes. Roughly 40 percent of inmates who are incarcerated for violent offenses were under the influence of alcohol at the time of their crime. This includes robbery, sexual assault, aggravated assault, child abuse, and homicide.  These are not the only crimes […]